

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Rules For Washing Your Bras

Rules For Washing Your Bras: What Your Lingerie Needs From You

9 Rules For Washing Your Bras: What Your Lingerie Needs From You

Following these 9 tips for washing your bras will help to ensure the best possible care of your bra.

1. Wash Your Bras Often

Depending on a woman’s personal hygiene and lifestyle, a standard bra may be worn a couple of times before it needs to be washed. Some women who sweat more may wish to wash their bras more often, but for everyday wear, washing after every wear is not necessary.
Sports bras may be washed more often. However, if you’ve just gone out for a stroll and did not perspire much, you can rinse a sports bra out in cool water to rid the garment of perspiration, which can damage the material. Cool water helps a bra maintain its elasticity.

2. Hand Wash Bras, If Possible

Ideally you should hand wash your bras rather than toss them into the washing machine with other garments. Hand washing in cool water with a gentle soap is the ideal situation. Harsh detergents will cause fibers in the bra material to deteriorate. This is particularly important for higher-end bras with delicate fabrics like silk, as opposed to the average T-shirt bra...
Everyday bras do not get as dirty as one would think. To wash them, let the pieces soak for a few minutes in cool water, then gently squeeze the suds through the fabric. Next, rinse the bras and roll in a towel to absorb excess moisture before hanging them to dry.
When traveling, hand washing may be the only option. You may even wish to wash your bra while taking a shower, as long as the water you use isn’t too hot. Once washed, you can hang your bra on the shower curtain to dry overnight.
When cleaning a bra that has yellow perspiration stains, rub the stained area with mild soap and warm water, then let soak for 30 minutes before washing the bra.

3. Use the Gentle Cycle

If hand washing isn’t your plan, it is fine to machine wash your bras, as long as you select the right settings on your machine. It is very important to wash bras and other lingerie on the gentle cycle in cool water: never use hot water. Delicates do not always fare well with a lot of movement and agitation.
It’s best to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper care that is listed on the label in regard to the temperature of the water used in the washing machine.

4. Hook the Clasps Before Washing

Many women have unknowingly set themselves up to spend time detangling a bunch of bras or sewing holes in other articles of clothing because the clasps were not secured before the bra was washed.
Always fasten the clasps on a bra before washing. By doing so, you will save your other clothing, save yourself time from detangling bras, and preserve the form of the bra as well.
Also, it’s a good idea to consider tightening the shoulder straps so that there is less to tangle around another bra or piece of clothing in the same load.

5. Use a Lingerie Laundry Bag

To keep your bras separate from the other articles of clothing in the wash, place them in alaundry bag designed especially for lingerie. This should minimize the stress put on the bra and undergarments while in the wash. These bags are typically made of a soft mesh net material. When purchasing a mesh bag, look for the smallest mesh possible, to ensure the clips and clasps cannot poke through.
Instead of a laundry bag, you could also use a product like the BraBall, which is a plastic sphere that holds up to three bras and can be tossed in the washer.

6. Avoid Using Bleach

Using harsh ingredients will harm a bra’s elasticity and fabric, so it is best to avoid using bleach. If bleach is used the end result is that the bra won’t last as long as it could. This is important to note for both hand washing and machine washing. If you do hand wash and use a commercial detergent, be sure to look at the components, as some do contain bleach.

7. Keeps Whites and Colors Separate

This tried and true rule for all laundry is especially important for bras and lingerie. Due to the fact that bras and other lingerie often contain synthetic fibers, there is a greater propensity to pick up dyes from other garments in the wash. Keep it simple. Wash whites with whites. Wash colors with like colors.

8. Keep Loads Light

Again, another general laundry rule particularly pertains to the washing of undergarments. Be sure not to overstuff the washing machine. Heavy items, such as towels, sheets, and denim, could do damage to undergarments, especially underwire bras.
Not only should you keep loads light, but keep like loads together. Particularly with items that contain Lycra, wash these articles together as the Lycra will degrade if not cared for properly.

9. Hang to Dry

While there is some flexibility in the rules for washing either by hand or in a washing machine, bra care experts insist that hanging bras to dry is the best method for drying undergarments. The extreme heat of a mechanical dryer can do major damage to the fabric and elasticity of delicate undergarments. Bras made from cotton may even shrink a little, increasing the chance that an underwire could poke through the material.
Either hang the bra up by the strap or lay it to dry on a towel with the cups facing up. Also, leave the back clasped and ensure that the bras are properly reshaped before setting them out to dry.

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Is he/she your perfect match?

There is never a perfect match. Some may be tall or short, fat or slim, extrovert or introvert, the list goes on and on. So, see the other essential half as they are and appreciate them that way.

Friday, October 03, 2014

Things You Should Never Say to Your Spouse.

Things You Should Never Say to Your Spouse

Words can cut like knives into us mentally and emotionally. This is especially true of our spouses.

There are many number of things you shouldn’t say to your spouse, but here are some things you should never say:

“That's what you always do?”

Arguments are going to happen in marriage. It’s unavoidable, and it’s part of what makes marital bliss difficult at times. When our spouse confronts us about something we did that hurt or offended them, we tend to immediately put up our defenses.

What’s even worse is when we, as a part of our defense, bring up some past hurt our spouse caused us. This shows two things: our need to keep score of wrongs and our unwillingness to admit our own wrongs.

Be humble, and recognize that you hurt your spouse, even if it was unintentional.

“I can never forgive you for that.”

Forgiving our spouse doesn’t remove the hurt. It shows them we don’t hold that hurt against them. This can be a sensitive issue depending on the wrong one spouse committed against the other. Adultery and abuse cause deep scars that can take years to heal. Forgiveness is never easy, but bitterness against our spouses can take root and keep a marriage from thriving for a long time until forgiveness finally takes place.

“That is a stupid thing to care about.”

Maybe you’d say to your spouse “Football is such a ridiculous thing to care about” or “Tinsel" is a stupid show,” showing your contempt for something they care about, even if it seems small.

When we marry someone, we enter a relationship with someone who is going to have a variety of different likes and dislikes. Those likes and dislikes aren’t all the same as what ours might be. Because we love our spouse, we in turn also learn to love, if not at least appreciate their interests.

Most of us men think that TV show is lame or consider that celebrity magazine she always buy as simply a waste of money. The truth is, if our spouse like it, then we learn to like it simply because they do. In turn, women may learn to like some sports or video games our hubby spends time on.

In marriage, spouses should come to appreciate things before marriage they cared less about. Caring about what our spouse cares about is critical to a marriage success. It shows great love for them, and also that we are willing to place their wants and desires above our own.


It seems like a harmless word. Like an “anything goes” statement.

 What do you think of this dress or this suit? Where do you want to go for dinner? Do you want to see a movie tonight?

Our opinion matters because our spouse matters. When they ask for an opinion, shrugging it off with “whatever” is a tiny dart that tells our spouse we don’t value their question enough to give it thought and consideration. When we do that enough times, it adds up to our spouse feeling unworthy. Again, showing genuine interest in what our spouse is thinking about or concerning themselves will show great love for them. Stop with the “whatevers.”

“You look so funny!”

Men often say this referring to her size. Women physique change with time. Maternity fat and other body weight.  it’s the last thing she wants to hear, and if she isn’t, complaining about it, then you’re in trouble. You can help her register for a gym or exercise with her to loose that baby fat.

There are probably many more things we shouldn’t say to our spouses. And there are probably some specific to your marriage that you can think of. And this doesn’t just apply to marriage—it’s important to be aware of the tender topics in any relationship, the things that we can use as weapons to wound or defend or stir up an argument. But coming from a spouse or a family member, they can cause the deepest cuts of all.

If you’re not married, begin now considering things you say to friends or family that can cause a negative impact on your relationships.

Marriage is a lifetime commitment. Ensuring we avoid saying things that can unnecessarily hurt our significant other makes that marriage commitment honoring to both our spouse and to God, even if it means sitting through a season of Tinsel (or a football game).

Friday, September 26, 2014

WOMEN ONLY: Should I wear a bra to sleep?

If you ask this question to 10 women, no doubt, you will get 10 different answers. But, if you ask any experts, they will say that wearing bra while sleeping is not a problem, if you are wise in selecting the most comfortable one.Some women feel more comfortable in wearing bra while sleeping, while some others are tensed about the adverse health effects of wearing bra. If you choose a lightweight, non-underwire bra or camisole-style pajama tops with inbuilt bra, you can get a comfortable sleep.The bra you choose should not be too tight and stiff. It is all about personal choice, when it comes to wearing bra while sleeping. But, a wrong choice in the size or type of bra may make things worse.

Wearing a comfortable bra is found to be helpful in women who are pregnant and those who are breastfeeding. However, using a tight fit and uncomfortable bra is not recommended because of the adverse health effects of wearing bra while sleeping.If you are using a tight bra with underwire, here are some of the most common health effects that you may face by wearing bra while sleeping.

Reduce circulation: 

Wearing bra while sleeping may cause a hindrance to the free blood circulation. This will happen if you are wearing a tight fitting bra with underwire or elastic. It is better to opt for a sports bra, which will be more comfortable.


Continuous use of bra will cause pigmentation in the portion where the elastic is tighter. Wearing bra while sleeping will increase this. In order to avoid any health effects of wearing bra while sleeping, use a soft and loose bra.

Disturbed sleep: 

There is no doubt that a good and sound sleep has a direct relationship with your comfort level in bed. If you are wearing a tight bra, you will not be comfortable and this will certainly disturb your sleep.

Skin irritation: 

Tight fitting bra will cause skin irritation. It is better to use bra without underwire. Sports bra is considered a good option to wear during the night. This will give the necessary support to your breast, without causing any health effects by wearing bra.


 Wearing a tight bra while sleeping can be irritating, making you restless in the night. It will cause discomfort during your sleep, which will adversely affect your overall health. An underwire bra could also dig into your breast.


 If you are using tight bra routinely, it may cause lymphatic blockage. Due to this, many other signs associated with the blockage will be presented. This includes oedema or fluid accumulation in the breasts. This is one of the serious health effects of wearing bra while sleeping.


Wearing a tight bra while sleeping, especially in the summer will make you sweat more than often. Generally fancy bras are the culprit in this case. Prefer a cotton bra than bra made of synthetic materials like polyester or linen.


‘Will wearing bra while sleeping cause breast cancer' is still a topic of debate. There are different studies that propose and oppose the chance of developing breast cancer by the use of a tight fitting bra during the night.

Leave your comments.  Please share with every lady around you.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Some things you should never say to your child

Some things you should never say to your child.

    1.    “Wait till your Father (Mother) gets home”.
Demand: Your child just made a demand. You know you are incapable of providing it at the moment. Instead of telling the child wait till your father (or mother) gets home”, simply tell the child,” Ok, we will look into it”. This makes the child appreciate the significance of both parents in the home.
Discipline: this is discipline that will confuse children by separating consequences from actions. It ultimately undermines your authority and credibility as a parent. And making the other parent “bad”. It is never a good idea. If a child does something wrong; discipline the child there. Note: don’t let the other spouse discipline the child again after you had. This is worse.

   2.      “You are just like your father (mother).”
Parent’s use this phrase often when a child does something wrong. Your child may have traces of your spouse but every child is unique. Don’t compare your child to your spouse. If it’s something worthy of admiration let the child know he (she) practically earns the commendation.

    3.     "Don't talk to strangers."
  This is tough for a young child to grasp. Even if a person is unfamiliar, she may not think of him as a stranger if he(she) is nice to them. Kids take this rule to mean anyone apart from those around them. Studies have shown that 80% of abused children are victims of those closest to them.  Since the vast majority of child-abduction or abuse cases involve someone a kid already knows, you might consider telling them: "If anyone makes you feel sad, scared, or confused, you need to tell me right away. Then believe the child. Instead of warning them about strangers, bring up scenarios ("What would you do if a man (woman) you don't know offers you chocolate or a ride home?"), have them explain what they'd do, then guide them to the proper course of action.

    4.     "Practice makes perfect."
This is a statement of fact, however, this adage can ramp up the pressure he (she) feels to win or excel. It sends the message that, ‘if you fail, you didn't train hard enough’. Some kids beat themselves up, wondering, 'What's wrong with me? I put all my effort, I practised all the time”. This can kill the child’s will to try again. Instead, encourage your child to work harder because he (she) will improve and feel proud of his (her) progress.

    5.       "I Will Never Forgive You"

You think some parents don’t say this? Oh yes, some do. We sometimes react too quickly when a child does something unthinkable. Saying something like this could be truly damaging to a child.  When you say this to a child, you damage the child’s will to forgive himself (herself). This can hunt the child for the rest of their life.
Instead: It's better for the parent to say: 'what you did was hurtful, but we will find a way to leave this behind us and carry on,’ In the heat of the moment, it's easy to say something rash. Take a deep breath and wait until you calm down before you speak.

    6.       "I'm Ashamed of You"
Some parents use this phrase. This makes the child feel like a disgrace in the family. Some of us still live in the guilt of what our parents said to us years ago. Instead: Let the child know what he (she) did is wrong. And reaffirm your love to them despite all odd.

    7.       “You should be like your brother (sister)”
If you keep using this phrase for your child, you are building a wall of hatred and division among your children you will never be able to break down. Children are born with different skills. A child who does well in academics may do very poorly in sports or music. Instead, discover your child potentials and encourage them to develop that skill. (I will take about the 8 intelligences (skill) every child possess and how you can discover it in my later article)

    8.       “Leave me alone”.
If you habitually tell your child, “leave me alone”, “Don't bother me" or "I'm busy," children internalize the message and feel they have no importance in your life. Instead, set parameters such as, “When I finish this project, we will go outside …” or get the child involved in what you are doing. Even if it’s just to sort papers’ Children like that too.

    9.       “You are so….(dirty, lazy, slow, dull, foolish, arrogant, loud, fat, thin etc.)”
Negative labels tend to become self-fulfilling prophecies, so be careful what you tell your children they are, or they may develop into whatever you say.
    10.   “You will get pregnant if a man touch-es you” or “you can get her pregnant if you touch her”.
You know this is not true. Children believe their parents and teachers. One day your child gets to find out this is not true. Then, you have completely lost your integrity. Instead educate your child on sex. Children from 6 years old are getting familiar with their body parts. Start from that age. (I will talk about ‘educating your child about sex’ in my later article).

    11.   "We can't afford that."
It's easy to use this response when your child begs you for something new and expensive. Doing so sends the message that you're not in control or your needs are more important than their wants. You should know that most kids thinks household items (even cooker) are your wants not theirs. Some kids can ride in their friends’ parent’s car and demand you buy it too. Children don’t believe there’s anything their parents can’t afford.  Instead convey the same message, such as, "We're not going to buy that now because we're saving our money for so and so”. Let the child be involved. Make them know the importance of budget.

    12.   "Let me help."
When your child is struggling with building blocks or to finish a puzzle, it's natural to want to help the child. Don't! If you step in too soon, that can undermine your child's independence because they'll always be looking to others for answers.  Instead, ask guiding questions to help the child solve the problem: "Do you think the big piece or the little one should go at the bottom? Why do you think that? Let's give it a try."

    13.   ‘Don’t worry, it will be fine”
Instead of being reassuring, you can appear to be dismissing the feelings of an anxious child. Instead, say, “I can see you’re worried. Can you tell me what you’re most worried about, so we can talk about it?” This makes children open up to you.

    14.   “You have started again”
When a child is doing something you warned them about, don’t say, “‘you have started again”. Kids don’t keep wrongs in their memory like we adults do. Instead find ways to communicate that same thing to the child in a manner that makes the child know it’s their responsibility to do it better.

    15.   ”...because I said so”
This is very common phrase passed on from our parents.  Parents who often use this phrase don’t want their children to feel they can have a say in anything they (parents) have to do or say. Instead get the child involved. They are not your puppet. 

    16.   “That’s not how to do it”
If you have asked your child to do a task or they are trying something new, resist the urge to intervene. Otherwise your child will be less likely to try things on their own or at your request for fear of criticism. If you do have to step in, do it as collaboration, not in a dismissive way

   17.   “Stop that or I will teach you a lesson you will never forget”.
Threats, usually the result of parental frustration, are rarely effective. If a threat is not made in short order, it loses all effectiveness. And experts say in general, threats of hitting have been found to lead to more spanking, which itself has been proven to be an ineffective way to change behaviour, especially in young children.

   18.   “Be careful”
Saying this while your child is balancing on the bicycle or trying something that requires balancing actually makes it more likely the child will fall. "Your words distract them from what they are doing, so they lose focus.  If you're feeling anxious, move close to spot them in case the child takes a tumble, being as still and quiet as you can.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Take that step today.

We often have good reasons why things can't work. Today, I want you to find other good reasons why things can work.
Procrastination is a dream killer. All great people you admire today wouldn't have been where they are  if they hadn't taken that step to live above average.
Today, I encourage you to take a step up get that idea, business, project and dream going.

Have a fulfilled Life by stepping up.

Things we do everyday that slowly KILLS.

Using Computer
Using a computer can be damaging to your health. The screen brightness can cause eye strain and headaches. Give some distance while using or set your screen brightness to less that 30%. Some computers also contain toxins that cause neurological damage as well.

Using Air Conditioner

For many people an air-conditioned home, car or workplace is a must. Although air conditioning provides both health and comfort benefits, there is evidence pointing to some potentially serious health risks including overexposure to cold air and exposure to toxic pollutants such as mod. Sudden changes in temperature and humidity affect the respiratory system. Keep room temperature between 21º and 25º C. Try fresh air sometimes.

Showering Everyday
Showering every day with hot water and a scrubbing apparatus wears away your skin’s lipids which help keep your skin’s moisture. This also causes you to age fast. Some people can’t do without hot bath. This is bad for your skin. Use moisturising soap and avoid using hard sponge too often.

Drying Hair
I know this may be difficult for most women (some men too). Blow drying your hair causes more harm than good. Heat from the dryer causes the hydrogen bonds in your hair to deteriorate which
makes your hair susceptible to falling out. It also affects the brain cells which can make you act abnormal sometimes.

Popcorn Damage Teeth
For the movie freaks and late night watch. Popcorn can get stuck in your teeth and cause infections. Also, biting down on a kernel can crack your teeth if you susceptible to that kind of damage.  Try the salty popcorn instead.

Jogging is a form of exercise that is highly recommended worldwide but excessive Jogging increases your risk of arthritis, especially in your knees where most of the damage is felt. Walk sometimes and visit the doctor for a proper check-up especially when you start feeling pains.

Sitting in Office
Your risk of heart disease increases 64% if you sit at your desk for 6+ hours a day. This also causes severe back ache if you don’t maintain good sitting posture. Take a short walk after sitting for more than 2 hours.

Wearing Socks in Bed
Wearing socks in bed prevents the gaseous exchange of your body’s cells which not only damages your skin cells, but your brain cells as well.

Microwave Food
Microwave is the fastest way to get our food warm.  Then it is important to realize that food cooked in a microwave oven does become "radioactive". The microwave energy remains in the cavity or the food after the microwave oven is switched off. Give the food time to cool and always cover the food while microwaving.

Watching TV
Watching TV for more than 2 hours increases your risk of heart diseases. Study shows that those who watch TV and smoke are at greater risk. Sitting that long affects your circulation. Try stretching or taking a walk for a minute every 1 hour.

Monday, September 22, 2014

MEN'S FASHION: How to wear a shirt and tie with Jeans

Fashion rules are made to be broken; this is true of the trendy tie-and-jeans combo. Slim styles work well, while low-to-medium rise jeans with a close -- but not leg-hugging -- cut are timelessly dependable. Please don’t wear baggy jeans, those made of shiny synthetic fabrics  this can work against your tie rather than with it.

You can make a tie work with just a dress shirt and jeans, so long as the shirt is neatly tucked and not too puffy. Honor your neat tie with a proper shirt fit; always fit to your neck size and arm length. Semi-spread collars, rolled sleeves and a nice leather watch all work within this middle-ground of casual and formal.

Take a look at some styles.

Simple Steps to Reduce Snoring

Snoring can be embarrassing, irritating to your spouse and can affect your health too.  It takes time to stop it completelny but you can reduce it. Snoring is common with both men and women, even children snore too.

1. Change Your Sleep Position.
Lying on your back makes the base of your tongue and soft palate collapse to the back wall of your throat, causing a vibrating sound during sleep. Sleeping on your side may help prevent this.
2. Lose Weight.

Weight loss helps some people but not everyone. Thin people snore, too. If you've gained weight and started snoring and did not snore before you gained weight, weight loss may help. If you gain weight around your neck, it squeezes the internal diameter of the throat, making it more likely to collapse during sleep, triggering snoring.
3. Avoid Alcohol.
Alcohol and sedatives reduce the resting tone of the muscles in the back of your throat, making it more likely you'll snore. Drinking alcohol four to five hours before sleeping makes snoring worse. People who don't normally snore will snore after drinking alcohol.

4. Practice Good Sleep Hygiene.

Poor sleep habits can have an effect similar to that of drinking alcohol. Working long hours without enough sleep, can make the muscles floppier and make you snore.

5. Open Nasal Passages.

If snoring starts in your nose, keeping nasal passages open may help. It allows air to move through slower. The narrower the nose, the faster the air rushes through."
A hot shower before you go to bed can help open nasal passages.

6. Stay Well Hydrated.

Drink plenty of water. According to the Institute of Medicine, healthy women should have about 11 cups of total water (from all drinks and food) a day; men require about 16 cups.

Overall, get enough sleep, sleep on your side, avoid alcohol before bedtime and take a hot shower if nasal passages are clogged. These simple practices can make a huge difference in reducing snoring.

I hope this helps. You can leave your experience or improvement in the comment area.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

How to save money and be happy.

Saving money can be difficult if there is no proper planning and budgeting in place. We sometimes feel we don’t make enough money to save some. Don’t forget someone out there is making half of what you are earning, yet they save and survive.

Making small changes in your life can fatten your savings and help you budget better. Follow these tips to save more money.

Shopping:  Take a list so you don't forget anything. Only buy what's on the list. This makes it easier to stick to your budget. Use our budget planner to help you save. Don’t listen to that still small voice from an item telling you, “buy me, buy me”. Tip: before buying anything, give it a 24 hours thought, you will be amazed how insignificant some items can be.

Electricity: Electricity bill is getting higher yearly. Switch off your heater, air-conditioner and lights in rooms you're not using. Use energy saving bulbs, this can save up to 70% of energy cost. Keep your curtains or blinds open at night to keep fresh air in. Turn off your electrical appliances at the socket. Don’t just use remote. Turn off the TV and computer when no-one is using it. Turn on the washing machine and the dishwasher only when they are full.  Frequent use drains more energy. Before going to bed, double check everything in the house is switched- off from the wall socket.

Water:  Have 2 minute showers. An average person uses up to 60 liters of water for a 5 minutes shower. If you don’t pay directly to Water Corporation you may have a pumping machine. Frequent pumping machine usage can amount to increase in energy bill. Install a water efficient shower head to save water.

Save money together with some friends: It can be harder to save money when the people around you are keen to spend. Talk to some friend who also wants to save money. You can share tips, enjoy cheap nights out and contribute together monthly.

Clothes: With fashion changing every season, you don't really need to buy new clothes all the time. If you're buying clothes, check if you can wash them to avoid dry cleaning bills. If you buy new clothes, make sure it goes with at least two other clothes in your wardrobe so you can get a few different outfits out of one item.

Mobile Phones: Cut calls cost by sending sms when necessary. Only make calls if you need immediate reply. Use messenger like whatsapp or bbm if you have data balance on your phone. Set automatic downloads and updates only when Wi-Fi is available. Avoid unnecessary calls but always have call credit in case of emergency. More on this in my later article.

Cars: Use fuel efficient vehicles. Avoid using the V6, V8 and V12 always. Try riding a bicycle sometimes. Apart from the health benefits, this can save you more than half of your fuel spending.Avoid over revving, this can burn your fuel faster. Use air-conditioner moderately. More on this in my later article.

Bank fees: Use same bank  cards on ATM when available to avoid ATM charges. Subscribe to email alerts. Sms alerts attract mobile operator charges.

Lunch: Make your lunch at home. Except your office provides your lunch for free; if you have to pay, please compare the cost from your payslip with how much it will cost you to make that lunch at home.

Drinks: Cut down on drinking coffee, soft drinks or on alcohol. Use water to quench your taste instead of soft drinks - it may sound scary but it will save you money and can have health benefits too.

Check online-shops and local markets for bargains, promos and deals.

Saving more through proper planning and budgeting can make you happier and live longer. Set a budget today.

These are just some tips. I hope this helps. Share more in the comments area.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Some things you must do to improve your life.

You sometimes wonder why some people live, happier,older,more successful and healthier than others. With no other of importance here are some things you must do to improve your life.

1) Appreciate nature

You probably seriously underestimate how important this is. Being in nature reduces stress, makes you more creative, improves your memory and may even make you a better person. Just looking or smelling the fragrance of a flower can improve your mental alertness.

 2) Exercise

Exercise is very important; other than health benefits exercise makes you smarter, happier, improves sleep, increases libido and makes you younger. Take a 10 minutes’ walk every day. Avoid the lift and use the stairs sometimes.

 3) Spend time with friends and family

Relationships are worth more than you think .Not feeling socially connected can kill you. Loneliness can lead to heart attack, stroke and diabetes. The longest lived people on the planet all place a strong emphasis on social engagement and good relationships. Friends are key to improving your life.

 4) Eat right. 

We live in the fast age. Fast foods are not the right type of food for you. Avoid them if you can. Don’t skip breakfast, if you do, make up for lunch. Add fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.

5) Meditate

Meditation can increase happiness, meaning in life. Along similar lines, prayer can make you feel better — even if you’re not religious.

6) Get enough sleep

You can’t cheat yourself on sleep and not have it affect you. Good sleep does improve decision making. Lack of sleep can make you more likely to behave unethically. Also, people with slept debt do poorly at work and academics.

7) Challenge yourself

Learning a new skill and another language can keep your mind sharp. Music lessons increase intelligence. Challenging your beliefs strengthens your mind. Not getting an education or taking advantage of opportunities are two of the things people look back on their lives and regret the most.

8) Laugh sometimes

People who use humor to cope with stress have better immune systems, reduced risk of heart attack and stroke, experience less pain during child birth. Laughter should be like a daily vitamin. Look at the mirror and laugh over nothing until it becomes real laughter. I do that sometimes.

9) Touch someone

Touching can reduce stress, improve team performance, and help you be persuasive.  Sex* also helps prevent heart attacks, improve your immune system and extend your life. 

10) Be optimistic

Optimism can make you healthier, happier and extend your life. The Army teaches it in order to increase mental toughness in soldiers. Being overconfident improves performance.

The list is endless. Work on these and add yours in the comment area. Hope this better improves your life?

(*sex here implies to married couple)